Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD

Create a CI/CD pipeline with AWS CodeStar

  1. Go to AWS CodeStar Console.
  • Click Projects
  • Click Create project

    Click Create service role if you never go to AWS CodeStar Service before.

    Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. In the Templates page, select Java and AWS Lambda
  • Select Java Spring
  • Click Next Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. In the Project name section, type FlightSpecialsAPI
  • Click Next Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. In the Review page, click Create project Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  2. Add awsstudent account to the the team with Owner role.
  • Click Team
  • Click Add team member Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. In the Team member details section
  • In the User section, select awsstudent
  • In the Email address section, type your email
  • In the Project role section, select Owner
  • CLick Allow SSH access to project instances.
  • Click Add team member Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. Check added team member Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  2. Go to AWS CloudFormation Console.
  • Click Stack.
  • Type DevAx-06 to the search bar and click Enter.
  • Click DevAx-06. Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. Click tab Output
  • Save GitPassword value and GitUserName value to use in the next step. Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. Open Eclipse IDE.
  • Find the AWS Icon and click it to reveal the menu
  • Click Import AWS CodeStar Project… Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. Select your region
  • Select FlightSpecialsAPI
  • Type the saved information in step 9 to User name section and Password section
  • Click Next Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. Click OK, ignore the error org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.repository.tree.RepositoryTreeNodeType.getIcon()Lorg/eclipse/swt/graphics/Image; Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  2. Select master branch and click Next. Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  3. Click Finish.
  • Click No to skip setup password hint. Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. Project sample was created by CodeStar was imported Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  2. Open Command Prompt, execute the below command to go to the directory where the IDE code is located and to create and switch to the new branch
cd C:\Users\Administrator\git\FlightSpecialsAPI
git checkout -b "new-implementation"

Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD

  1. Download the file and extract.
  2. In the Command Prompt, navigate to the directory of the FlightSpecials folder we extracted in step 17
  • Execute the following command to overwrite the implementation provided by CodeStar with the contents of the file we extracted in step 17. We have provided a script in the bundle that you can use C:\Users\Administrator\git\FlightSpecialsAPI

Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD 19. In the Eclipse IDE, right-click on the FlightSpecialsAPI project we imported

  • Click Maven
  • Click Update Project… Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. In the Eclipse IDE, open the pom.xml file
  • After the line 113, add the following content
  • Save

Give CloudFormation permission to create an IAM role

  1. Go to AWS IAM Console.
  • Click Roles.
  • Type CodeStarWorker-flightspecialsa-CloudFormation to the search bar and press Enter
  • Click CodeStarWorker-flightspecialsa-CloudFormation.

    If you can’t find the role, it may be too early - CodeStar may still be provisioning the pipeline and may not yet have created the role. Check the progress of the provisioning in the CodeStar dashboard.

    Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. Click Add permissions
  • Click Attach Policies Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. Type idevelop to the search bar and press Enter
  • Select idevelopCodeStarCloudFormationPolicy
  • Click Attach Policies Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD

Update placeholder parameters in the CloudFormation template

  1. Trong Eclipse IDE, open the template.yml file
  • Do the same step 68 and step 69 in the 3.3 section to get the DatabaseSecurityGroup value, the DatabaseSubnet1 value, the DatabaseSubnet2 value and the RDSEndpoint value
  • Replace <DatabaseSecurityGroup> with the DatabaseSecurityGroup value
  • Replace <DatabaseSubnet1> with the DatabaseSubnet1 value
  • Replace <DatabaseSubnet2> with the DatabaseSubnet2 value
  • Replace <RDSEndpoint> with the RDSEndpoint value
  • Save Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD

Update the target AWS region in the swagger.yml API definition file

The swagger.yml file provided in the zip bundle is the definition for the API that exposes the microservice via Amazon API Gateway. It needs to be updated with details of your lab AWS Account Id and target AWS Region before you can deploy your microservice.

  1. In the Eclipse IDE, open the swagger.yml file
  • Press Ctrl+F shortcut
  • In the Find section, type REPLACE_AWS_REGION
  • In the Replace with section, type your Region
  • Click Replace All to replace Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. In the Find section, type REPLACE_AWS_ACCOUNTID
  • In the Replace with section, type your AWS Account Id
  • Click Replace All to replace
  • Save Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. Now that you have completed updating files, you need to add the changed files to your new-implementation git branch and commit the files.
  • Open Command Prompt, execute the below command to navigate to the directory of the FlightSpecialsAPI folder and review the changed code files
cd C:\Users\Administrator\git\FlightSpecialsAPI
git status

Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD 28. Execute the below command to add in the changed files

git add .
git commit -m "Baseline implementation"

Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD 29. Execute the below command to switch back to the master branch

git checkout master

Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD 30. Execute the below command to merge the changes for your new-implementation branch into the master branch

git merge new-implementation

Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD 31. In the Eclipse IDE, right-click on the FlightSpecialsAPI project

  • Click Team
  • Click Push to origin. Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. Click Close Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD

You need to perform the push from Eclipse because the git credentials are embedded within the Eclipse environment. You could also configure the command line environment with the git credentials but that is beyond the scope of this lab.

It will take a few moments to push the code and commence the deployment. Checking in the source code and templates will trigger the pipeline to build and deploy the new implementation. AWS CodePipeline will now use CloudFormation to deploy the following resources:

  • The Lambda function implemented by the Java code you checked into CodeCommit
  • IAM role for the Lambda function
  • API Gateway configuration for the API

While you have some time, spend a few minutes to explore the buildspec.yml, swagger.yml and template.yml files which define the Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda function and the build/deployment process through AWS CodeBuild. You will notice that the builspec.yml file uses the same AWS CLI command to package the deployment that you used when you manually packaged the HotelSpecials API earlier.

Do not execute these commands below, they are here as a reference!

mvn package shade:shade
aws cloudformation package --template template.yml --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET --output-template template-export.yml

The template.yml file uses the Serverless Application Model (SAM) transform to define the REST API, as opposed to how we approached this in the HotelSpecials API example. In HotelSpecials, the CloudFormation template used canonical CloudFormation to define the REST API so that it could be explicit about the API definition and include the swagger definition inline. The FlightSpecials example uses a more declarative approach and left the details to SAM. You are free to mix CloudFormation and SAM in the same template, as you can see from these examples.

Test the FlightSpecials API

  1. Go to AWS API Gateway console
  • Type iDevelop - Flight Specials API to the search bar and press Enter
  • Click iDevelop - Flight Specials API Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. Click Stages
  • Expand the prod root element
  • Click GET
  • Click Invoke URL Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD
  1. After a moment while the Lambda function is initialised, you should see the JSON result of querying the mySQL database from the Lambda function Deploy the api using code star and CI/CD

If you see a JSON payload with no errors, you have successfully deployed an API and supporting Lambda function that queries the mySQL database. Notice how much quicker and easier that was to deploy without any manual intervention, and you didn’t even have to interact with the AWS CLI or Console? Everything was driven by the source control check-in process.

You are now ready to integrate these APIs with the TravelBuddy web site.